Short stories and poetry with occasional musings on life, culture and k-dramas.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
NaPoWriMo Day 11/30
I promise to keep your secret
The one that you won't tell
Though it slips along words we share
I'm your friend
It's what I do
And a soon as I figure out what it is you're scared of
I'll keep that secret too
NaPoWriMo Day 22 (x3) / 30
4/22/15 6:40am, standing on the train trying to put this into words
How to describe to someone
Who's never loved like this before
That the obligation of living for You
Is my fondest wish
Even when I fail
That the bonds of love
Make me want to try again
There's no obligation at all
4/22/15 7:15pm, I don't think I've ever put it in so many words before
Dear Friend
We've disagreed on so many things
Our friendship started with a fight
In some ways
On very important things
We'll never see eye to eye
And yet
And yet
For all that you are
And all the words we've let loose
For tolerances
And unheard patience
For trusts
And confidences
All that I am
Loves all of you
Dear Friend
4/22/15 7:20pm, euphoria sometimes leads to introspection
Maybe I don't value all the things you've been to me
And that's why I can't write about anything
Except failure
Or maybe you've meant so much of everything
That failure is too strange
Not to remark upon
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
NaPoWriMo Day 13b/30
4/13/15 10:30am
NaPoWriMo Day 12/30
I'll gather together all the things I've written
About you
All bundled and sorted
I'll put the depth of my regard
Into your hands
(Inspired by a friend of mine who is also participating.)
NaPoWriMo Day 20/30
Little Brother
This, apparently
Is the time of year
When I go looking
For you
Tell me
Little Brother
When is the time of year
When you can be found
NaPoWriMo Day 19/30
I always wondered what it would take
To make me one of your
Revisionist projects
To write me out
To recast me
As a villianness
Hiding in our [your] own midst
I've seen you do it before
When there were no witnesses
To contradict the new tale you present
(None but me at least)
And I always think the same thing
Are you lying now
Or were you lying to me then
NaPoWriMo Day 18/30
4/19/15 12:56 am, but I haven't been to bed yet
Oh Lord
Thank you that it's tomorrow
That I can go forward having finally got it
And that I can wake up in the morning to start it right
NaPoWriMo Day 15/30
4/15/15 11pm, what WOULD 6 hours of sleep do for me?
Things I'm not doing today:
Lying to myself
Giving up
Or tearing off heads
Nor jumping off cliffs
Nor giving up on this thing I've been gifted
(Not all gifts are the ones you expect)
Excessively erudite
Things I will not be today:
Angry enough not to care who bleeds under my hands
Viciously correct
Emotions unchecked
Putting my fickleness first
Burned out
And burning everyone else on my bruised ego
I'm going home
I'm going to bed
Resting well to take up arms again
NaPoWriMo Day 14/30
4/14/15 1:08pm, there are some things you can't walk out (they have to be confronted).
NaPoWriMo Day 16/30
A bead of honey is pretty
Until it sticks to your knees
And ants come up in threes
To see what's left on you fingertips
NaPoWriMo Day 13/30
I've been preparing for this moment
For months
For years maybe
But now that it's here
Mostly I wonder
How are you doing?
NaPoWriMo Day 9b/30
4/9/10 7am, randomly playing our song
NaPoWriMo Day 9/30
Things I'm not doing today:
Arguing From a Point of Weakness
Going Out in a Blaze of Glory
Going Out Like That (our At All for that matter)
Fearing What I've Done Before
I've done this before
I know I don't have to win
(nice though it is)
I just have to tell it all with grace
And Truth
NaPoWriMo Day 10/30
You're gonna like me when I'm gone
I'll be the store for all your wrongs
You'll rewrite my history
The way you need it to be
You're gonna like me when I'm gone
You'll see our story with new eyes
All the good will turn to lies
You'll question my words
And all that you heard
You're gonna like me when I'm gone
[You're gonna like me when I cry]
Make me the martyr for your cause
You couldn't fix me, guess I lost
I'll be the picture you take
Of insanity's face
You're gonna like me when I'm gone
[You're gonna like proving me wrong]
NaPoWriMo Day 8/30
I am willing and waiting
You've laid something heavy on my account
And I've got to do it
What choice do I have?
I am yours
What other choice could I want?
I am yours
Few things seem more right
Than when I'm walking out the life I've been made for
Or more wrong than when I forfeit
The option
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
10:30ish a fridge moment while reading fanfiction
that I must not tell lies
They cut into my skin
They try to bleed me dry
I fight solely with the truth
There's a sword in my mouth now
No matter what they do
NaPoWriMo Day 3-7 (in no particular order)
NaPoWriMo Day 4
4/7/15 9:45pm this fridge moment happened [right away] 2 weeks ago but i'm only now writing it down
your convictions are going to catch up with reality
and that will be the end of you and me
because i made my decision long ago
and you don't seem hear it when you make yours
NaPoWriMo Day 3
4/3-4/6/15 no title that i'm willing to share; inspired by movie night
Bitter wizard
Who convinced you to tear your wings
A mind as quick as yours
With a mouth that so ably speaks it's thoughts
It's hard to believe
Did they get you while you were young
Did they sink your heart in tragedy and never let you go
How they encouraged you
To build your magic on the lie
That everything we want is mine
And heartache never comes to the pure of heart
Or did they merely plant a weedy seed
That you've nurtured with the need to believe
That if I'm good, if he's good, IF THERE'S ANYTHING GOOD
Why do bad things keep happening
My love destroyed
Hope in ruins
And faith buried
But you've never waited for an answer
You couldn't create for yourself
Though it be bitter cold or a lie
Though it leaves gaping holes
Or twists logic around itself
At least you're satisfied
At least your choices are answerable to no one
Except everyone you've hurt
Starting with yourself
Under that callous
There's a heart of flesh
I remember it
NaPoWriMo Day 5
4/7/15 10:18pm, it's really 2 things but they're relatedI dreamed
that after many years of not caring
we were a thing
I think that
I miss the summer when we were together
when I was your confidant
part of your close circle
and the school years that surrounded it
before your interests changed
Or maybe I changed
(Sometimes I think you miss it too
that this is the reason you still ask for me when I'm gone
when really it's been years since I've been close enough to miss)
I dreamed you proposed
and I said yes
so I went back home to get my dress
and on the way remembered all the ways we didn't work
Then I woke up
NaPoWriMo Day 6
4/6/15 6:50pm I've made some of my best friend (and lost others) this wayHis first words to me are
"So your good God kills babies?"
(We're talking 3rd world and the hyper poor
The unborn don't count after all)
"Hello, how are you"
I want to know
"Doing well as you indict me (by proxy)?
"I hope so"
I've missed him
Wanted to do right
My friend who swears he's not a troll
Before I saw him again
"But to answer your question
What have you done for the babies lately
With your power to act to do to save"
(But in less than 140 chars)
"The absolute free will you crave
"Indicts us all"
My turn now
To wait and see
What my young firebrand will say
My fingers will not tremble
My knees will not grow week
It's not my truth i speak
Though it's everything that sustains me
NaPoWriMo Day 7
4/7/15 i write this one a lot but not as often as some othersyou could be dead for all i know
dead and buried ashes and gone
having never cared at all
Thursday, April 2, 2015
NaPoWriMo Day 2
4/2/15 11:29 pm and loopy from all the adrenaline
The knees get sore
And days seem long
But I wouldn't go back if you made me
Adulthood had its flaws
Its surprises and pitfalls
But it's my own voice in my autonomy
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
NaPoWriMo Day 1
4/1/15 9:30pm at the laundry; it's been a long day
So many things to be sorry for
Angry about
So many things to dwell on
Turn and turn over
Until they are all that I am
But I'm deciding to not be
My insecurities
I'm not going to be my anger
Nor let it be a mask
For the things I don't want to reveal
Tonight I'm choosing one thing
To believe you really did save me
From me:
All the voices that agree with the lie
That I'm always right
Save me now, Saviour
You chose me
And I'm choosing you again
In this moment
Hosanna in the highest
Save now